Preserving our past to inform the future
A Peek at Northern Vancouver Island History.
OpenING Hours
December: Open Daily: 10am-5pm
Winter (Oct 1 - May 17):
Tuesday to Sunday 12pm - 5pm
Closed New Year’s Day
Summer (May 18 - Sept 30): Daily 10AM - 5PM
Living Legacy Project with Celia Haig-Brown
What's On
Dinosaurs of BC
BC Family Day
Living Legacy Project Workshop: Conducting respectful research
Why museums matter
Museums are dynamic hubs of social engagement that respond to their communities’ needs
According to a 2022 national study, 96 per cent of Canadians view museums as essential spaces for community education. Museums make a difference in the lives of British Columbians – there’s a reason that 9 out of 10 Canadians believe that museums matter. They are educational spaces for life-long learners from all walks of life. They stimulate the economy and attract tourism. They help us grapple with big, difficult questions. They preserve the past, so we can see ourselves in the present, and work towards building a better future.
-Ryan Hunt, BC Museums Association Executive Director