Saturday, February 15 –
Join us on BC Family Day at the Museum at Campbell River for all sorts of fun with fossils. Come see the Moutain Dinosaurs of BC traveling exhibit. Follow the footsteps of tyrannosaurs and ankylosaurs, see beautifully preserved marine fossils and meet the BC-born and bred “Buster,” our reigning resident ferrisaurus. All part of this new exhibit produced by the Royal BC Museum.
The Vancouver Island Paleontological Society will be on site all day to answer your questions about fossils and share with you how to identify them. They will bring local samples to see and touch, learn about fossil hunting on Vancouver Island and bring your own finds for Show and Tell with fossils.
Also onsite will be Ripple Rock Gem and Mineral Club with special guest geologist Duncan Johannessen from the University of Victoria who will be available to answer your questions about rocks, gems and fossils. Open house at the museum, fossil displays, Storyboards and show and tell with fossils.
Special Thanks to Bill Howich Chrysler Ltd for helping to bring special guest geologist Duncan Johannessen to share his knowledge.